8 thoughts on “Cr. Cameron Caldwell Humiliates Victims of Contaminated Homes With Mail Drop

  1. Surly the water and mud has been tested thats the first thing the residents need to do way back
    The council cannot deny his if it sewage fgs dont take this shit anylonger
    Get the flyer with the reports from tesring and see a lawyer
    Deffinatly sighns off redevelopment
    The council have been to cut down supposably dangerious trees just to develope and then they have developed they are all crook and need the out on the election,,,,,,,

  2. Hi Kareen, thank you for your input. My name is Steve Jeffery, my email is watersidesteve@vivaldi.net. Please feel free to contact me with details at any time. Meanwhile, would you be kind enough to prepare your story in the form of a Chronology for future reference…Dates, times, events, people, conversations, outcomes etc. I am happy to put you in touch with the other residents with phone numbers if you would like to contact them.

  3. The second last storm here, our toilet was backing up, as well as our neighbours down in the next street. Scary sight. Last storm had the gurgle start again, but didn’t threaten to overflow. Such a worry.

  4. Probably wouldn’t be the extra 100 thousand toilets installed in the last few years into a sewerage system that was very close to capacity??? Tate and his cohorts will have some explaining to do soon enough gross misconduct pardon the pun

  5. Elise Nicholls Elise, I received a couple of recommendations yesterday (Friday) which I will follow up early next week.

  6. Elise Nicholls Elise, the real problem is finding a Lab that will test AND certify, which make the results indisputable. I have been trying to get water quality tested around our recreational waters unsuccessfully for the past 12 months. GCCC secretly stopped testing our Rec Waters in November 2017. BUT, they have never published test results to the public regardless.

  7. Could this be an attempt to have this land cleared and redeveloped? Forcing people out of their homes and off the land as it is deemed contaminated. By not acknowledging any liability will leave the Council free from any compensation. Unless those who are affected can prove it in court.

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