Foreign military or police most likely provided by the UN, can legally be used to suppress the Australian people. UN Agenda 21/30’s vision is coming to fruition. Setting up nations in the UN to allow armies from other nations to be used on their soil against their own people with impunity.
[] October 18, 2020 (FB has been constantly blocking this article). RE-POSTED from our website on Oct, 2020.
[Edit: UPDATE March 11, 2024 – To ALL Australians…If you do not believe we are under Belligerent Occupation…If you do not believe we need a series of national rolling strikes and boycotts to shut down these United Nations/WEF controlled corporations posing as our governments at ALL levels, then please note this article posted by us on our earlier FB page in October, 2020. THIS IS ACT OF TREACHERY “The Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force Response to Emergencies) Bill 2020” was tabled by none other than the Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews and Victorian State Attorney General Jill Hennessy and shepherded in by MORRISON then our alleged PM…PLEASE WAKE UP – Support John Wilson’s National Strike and Boycott before it’s too late (again)!! Steve, Just One Focus – Truth].
By General Maddox.
Just when we thought the Omnibus Bill (which passed following some amendments) was an overreach of authoritarian power, the Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force Response to Emergencies) Bill 2020 has been put forward.
This law will allow foreign troops and foreign police forces to be used on Australian soil against the Australian people in times of a declared “emergency”. Most likely under the banner of NATO or the United Nations.
These foreign forces and/or police will be able to act with impunity, immune from all prosecution for any laws they break, damage to persons and private property caused whilst on Australian soil.
If passed [EDIT: IT WAS!] the new law will allow foreign troops to be called upon in an emergency. But what constitutes an emergency? Industrial action? Anti-government protests? Civil unrest? Another fake Pandemic? The definition is so broad that it basically can mean anything that they want it to mean.
However that’s not even the point. Military. Especially foreign military should never ever be used against civilians. Make no mistake their primary role is to kill the enemy at the behest of government in order to protect Australia and her interests. It is not to police civilians at home.
Should this bill pass that means at any point in time if an emergency is declared foreign military or foreign police can legally be used to suppress the Australian people. Let that sink in. Also let it sink in that we are currently under a state of disaster in Victoria and a state of emergency across all of Australia.
One must ask the question, why? When this so-called “pandemic” is almost in the rear view mirror. Why go for this massive power grab now? And who’s behind this?
This new law is an absolute abomination and when you combine it with the recently passed COVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) and Other Acts Amendments Bill 2020 you really start to get a very clear picture of where Australia is heading politically. History is repeating and the masses are oblivious.
“Because of their large size and scope, omnibus bills limit opportunities for debate and scrutiny. Historically, omnibus bills have sometimes been used to pass controversial amendments. For this reason, some consider omnibus bills to be anti-democratic.” – Wikipedia
The Victorian government’s COVID-19 Omnibus Emergency Measures and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2020 was rushed through the state’s legislative assembly. The Bill was tabled by State Attorney General Jill Hennessy.
The Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force Response to Emergencies) Bill 2020 was tabled by none other than the Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews.
These two people represent a clear and present danger to the people of Victoria.
The #CoronaHoax has been exposed. No one is dying from a virus that has never been isolated. It’s not a threat to humanity let alone the people of Victoria. Look anywhere else in Australia… COVID-19 as a…thing, a way of life is pretty much gone. Only a few ridiculous measures are still in place and hopefully soon to be gone too. Yet Victoria is going ahead, guns blazing, and carrying on the COVID-19 narrative. Why? Could it be that Melbourne, in fact, all of Victoria, is a part of the “Strong Cities Network”? A UN/Globalist Soros backed initiative. Also tie in that Victoria (the only state in all of Australia) is signed on to China’s Belt and Road Initiative and all of these draconian laws we mentioned earlier start to make sense.
It’s about setting up a hub within our national borders to kick-start the next step towards the overall goals of complete implementation of the UN Agenda 2030 doctrine.
We and many others have been discussing and writing about these plans for our future by the globalist cabal for years. We have mentioned the extension of vaccine related laws since the No Jab – No Play laws first came in. No jab – No Travel is one of those extensions. Even Bill Gates talks about making sure we have vaccine and immunity passports to travel. Well now Victoria has taken the lead on this directive too.
That’s right folks it’s now a reality. We have taken yet another step towards a dystopian nightmare.
NOTE: Please read in conjunction with earlier post…
“Morrison had treasonously brokered our souls, and every Australian comprised the sacrificial offering…The insidious ‘Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations’ (CEPI) pact, compelled the Morrison Federal Government to observe an ‘Advanced Marketing Commitment,’ (as outlined by Bill Gate’s CEPI, which had ensnared Australia in a monolithic global vaccination empire) requiring an absolute commitment to marketing and preparing the populace to graciously submit to the fast-tracked vaccine.
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The upcoming WHO Treaty will give a huge window of opportunity for this ‘army’ to be mobilised. ps This is worldwide.
I strongly advise everyone to look at the Criminal code Act 1995 Division 71 — Offences against United Nations and associated personnel. The whole section is concerning however the definitions of “associated personnel” is even more concerning.
Source document here
Thank you Scotoz77…Great find!Concerning indeed. They have obviously planned this for YEARS!! We have been ATTACKED FROM WITHIN!! Will post to Telegram channels. Regards, Steve
not every Australian surrendered their firearms. this country still has a sting in it’s tail.
I’ve just started learning Russian.
Wish I’ve seen this before doing my postal vote
My forefathers didn’t fight for this sh*t
What defines an emergency to bring in and deploy foreign troops/police? Well in the article the author states…”Also let it sink in that we are currently under a state of disaster in Victoria and a state of emergency across all of Australia.” This means that once this bill is passed Australia, at the discretion of Morrison and Co. can be placed under foreign occupation! Still think this is all about a bloody virus?
Folks, remember during the federal election, good old ScoMo, Scotty From Marketing?? Friend of the average Aussie bloke? Pretending to speak like an average Aussie? Having beers at the bars with his baseball cap? Well, the Libs, Labor and Greens have been running the same agenda. How are you feeling now?
Never expected this, though it was plain to see happened in some distant territories. Perhaps we thought our isolation by distance would protect us.
But do our politicians believe such will not affect them too ? If fully implemented, they will probably be just thrown under the bus by the occupying force,
and be compulsorily jabbed too, as they won’t be needed.