7 thoughts on “Gold Coast City Council – Environmental Train Wreck

  1. There’s a rock wall that has been built higher and wider from Jabaroo island back over to a canal opening which has no opening at all which in turn has stopped the flow of water into the creeks that feed into the lakes namely the Runaway Lake there’s been no water movement into the lake in ages. There are no jumping fish at night anymore we use to get swans and ducks every day now only a couple turn up but don’t stay. Out of 80 odd dwellings 11 have their roof run off going to the storm drains the rest go to an underground pipe which flows into the lake when a house has it’s roof painted the runoff ends in the lake and consequently kills the fish how can this be happening in this day of being environmently friendly in a pigs ear. There was a Council man checking on the lakes water quality haven’t seen him in ages is everyone not bothered any more what happens here

  2. Yes, initial inspection on Wed Aug 21, by DES and DAF in Fisheries boat with team of environmental scientists +1 rocket scientist from GCCC 🙂 . Discussions between DES and GCCC last Wed Sept 11. All gone very quiet since then…Usually a serious sign with investigations.

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