The Jesuits, Rothschilds, Rockefellers are, through the United Nations and the World Economic Forum continuing their plans to control humanity, but on an orchestrated global scale.
Fall of The Cabal – Part 3: This video helps to understand what is happening around the world today. Learn from history. Nothing has changed…Learn who was behind the Russian Revolution, the Great Depression and WWII…all instigated by the Khazarian Cabal through the Jesuits. Through manipulating the Stock market, by pushing Cabal puppets forward, and by ruthlessly killing millions of people who stood in their way. With one goal, and one goal alone…
As an example, just one part of their treacherous, insidious agenda is through Native Land Title…
“The economic basis was a sort of communism. The land and all the stood upon it was the property of the community. The land was apportioned among the leaders of the indigenous groups who allotted it to the families under them”. This is also the UN/WEF led strategy behind the seemingly innocuous Indigenous Land Rights and the OSTF. Confirmed by the statement on the OSTF website, a copy of which was captured prior to them removing the site…available to read/download below. …
“To All and Singular to whom these presents shall come, We, the Autochthonous and Original Tribal Peoples of the Great South Land, the noble Peoples of the Great Southern land known in this modern era as ‘Australia’, support and address the United Nations in that We solemnly proclaim the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as a standard of achievement to be pursued in a spirit of partnership, truth and mutual respect.
Therefore, in this same spirit and pursuit, we adhered to this proclamation and so have adopted the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as a template to claim and declare our Sovereignty and Nationhood and all the rights and privileges afforded to nations, both within the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and according to our Sovereign Tribal status, to the world.“
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