Oct 8 Posted by Editor, cairnsnews by Ron Chapman
Upon even a cursory examination of president Putin’s public statements and the effects of his administration over the last 22 years, an objective observer must reasonably conclude that he has consistently sought to remove Russia from the clutches of the Khazarian banksters and their Wall Street lackeys.
For instance, some years ago he threw the Rothschilds banksters and Soros out of Russia. Although I do wonder about Nebulina’s continued policy of setting the Russian Central Bank’s interest rates as high as 8% even though that rate is much lower than the 20% she set in February. (1)
Purin isn’t singing from the satanic Western cabal’s playbook should be obvious from the fact that, together with Xi Jinping, he has established the BRICS and SCO and similar anti-Western organisations designed to free Russia, China, India, Brazil, South Africa, Iran and all of the Global South nations
Compare Russia’s relative prosperity under Putin compared to the rabid dystopia, poverty and misery experienced by Russians under Yeltsin and the Wall Street funded Jewish oligarchs. Incidentally when people talk about the Russian Mafia they are really talking about a Jewish Mafia since that ethnic collective dominates the genre.
The reason that governments and the MSM in the US, EU, Australian and other Western countries invariably denigrate Putin and liken him to Hitler is that he doesn’t do their bidding! The fact that he attended a WEF young leaders forum and associates with banksters, oligarchs and ‘low life’ Westerners from time to time is because that’s his job. He has to relate to them despite knowing they are, at best, corrupt and ‘not agreement capable’.
The fact that Putin isn’t singing from the satanic Western cabal’s playbook should be obvious from the fact that, together with Xi Jinping, he has established the BRICS and SCO and similar anti-Western organisations designed to free Russia, China, India, Brazil, South Africa, Iran and all of the Global South nations (representing some 87% of the global population) from the enslaving yoke of the US Petro dollar and the impending WEF Great Reset. Russia and China already operate their economies using gold backed money in lieu of worthless fiat currency and that situation is being extended to other nations as the Quantum Financial System (QFS) begins to replace the Petro Dollar.
The QFS is about to replace the failing Western controlled financial system that has impoverished, enslaved and almost destroyed Third World nations. That situation was caused by the US, UK and France hijacking implementation of the 1944-47 Bretton Woods Agreement which was intended to create a global financial system that would equitably ensure economic prosperity globally. The sovereign owners of the Global Collateral Accounts have dismissed the US, UK and France for breach of duty and fraud and have given responsibility for administration of the relevant funds to the Office of the Treasury Controller (OTC) which has organised the QFS.
The other obvious fallacy involved in labeling Putin as a Khazarian Mafia minion is that it assumes that Putin IS the Russian Federation (RF). He isn’t. The RF is a nation of over 150 million human individuals and Putin is merely one man who has been repeatedly democratically chosen by that population to lead it. Suggesting that Putin or anyone else could control and direct that polity single handedly is ludicrous. Many Russians are responsible for Russia’s governance. In truth Putin is a moral, rational human being who is leading an administration that, in very difficult circumstances, is engaged in assisting his nation and our entire world, to save itself from satanic controllers that have been ruining our world for centuries and who have all but overcome the governments and peoples of the affluent Western nations, including Australia.
End Note 1.
To understand how the banksters enslave and impoverish our world, be aware that by raising interest rates Central Banks increase the cost of currency and hence EVERYTHING. The joke is that the banksters claim that they have to increase interest rates in order to reduce inflation i.e. prices, whereas increasing the price of currency (money) increases the price of everything! Moreover, as interest rates increase, evermore currency (money) is required to pay for that increase. BUT, the catch 22 is that the banksters NEVER create any currency to pay the interest they charge on loans. So, there is a constantly growing shortage of currency in the economy since the money used to pay off loans is a book entry that is immediately deleted from the system so it is not available for any future purpose.
The only way that the system can keep functioning is if borrowers CONTINUALLY borrow more currency than previously so that some of the extra currency so created (out of thin air by keystrokes on computers) can circulate in the economy and be used to fund interest payments on previous loans made by the banks. As interest rates rise, more currency is needed to pay interest on outstanding loans but fewer borrowers can afford to take out loans and hence the infusion of new currency into the economy declines enabling fewer purchases of goods and services. This results in recessions and depressions and voila, the economy deflates!
The upside for the banksters is that they get to foreclose on mortgages etc thus obtaining properties for ‘pennies on the dollar’.
The solution to this problem requires that governments eliminate usurious banking (and banksters). That requires having each nation produce and emit (distribute) its own asset backed money, as necessary to enable the population to fully use their labour and available physical resources, to produce the goods and services they need.https://cairnsnews.org/2022/10/08/putin-saving-87-of-the-global-population-from-the-enslaving-yoke-of-the-us-petro-dollar-and-the-impending-wef-great-reset/
The good news is that this solution is currently being implemented by the Trilogy of Russia, China and the Trump led restored republic of ‘These United States of America’ in alliance with forces in many other nations.
Peace and Blessings.
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