Encouraging progress, people are recognizing and ACTING against our unlawful, corrupt Councils. Welcome back guys!
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29 October 22 – Frankston Meeting
How the UN/World Economic Forum is using Councils to deliver their Agenda 21/30 objectives

My Place Website: https://www.myplacefrankston.com/

Frankston Peoples Council Website: https://www.frankstonpeoplescouncil.org/
Learn more about People’s Trust Victoria https://peoplestrustvictoria.com/
Once people know the TRUTH, they shift from compliance to resistance.
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just signed up my email for updates and looking forward to reading this site
having trouble with my council as i found corruption and the corrupt organizations of the victorian ombudsman and the victorian inspectorate did nothing and took 10 months to do it
now at the independent oversight committee which looks like jobs for the boys
we dont have any movement out here that can invade the council meeting or i would in a flash get involved!
Hi guys love and respect to you all. 🦠🦠🦠 this emoji is for a virus and is printed on our $$10 bill gates in the clear window at the bottom left corner place it over the emoji see how close they match now go to the top opposite right corner and it looks like human embryo this is also surrounded by the 🦠🦠🦠. Now they try and claim it’s a bramble wattle, no such thing we only have a wattle tree besides the wattle release a spawn to germinate so either way it’s a spawn. Also you’ll find 10 on one side 10 on the other and if you look above the embryo there is 10 10 10
Does this equal 2030🤔🤔.
Happy Covid and all the best for the new variant.