In 1959 our Constitution was subverted, substituted in an act of Treason. They then created by deceit, a parallel nation, an illusion upon which they built their own fake Commonwealth of Australia.
By Steve Jeffery [Just One Focus -Truth] with Dick Yardley's guidance and research material | 11 May, 2023

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This is happening all over the world. -TR, USA
`I agree with Laura and Christine..We need to look at alternatives.Gain the balance of power like the democratic party did in Victoria years ago to keep the bastards honest.But how ? Ballot box theft is on several videos in several elections…Showing others should have gained seats which were stolen from them..So we need to stop their cash flow–Darren in Frankston is an example of this: John Wilson in Queensland with the Council and ratepayers..But time is running out as their power and control is too deep. Military is our only option to Drain the Swamp.Does anyone have other suggestions?
And we know Covid 19 to be BS and EVIL! / THIS TAKES THE CAKE
Many thanks for this enlightening article of Truth, of how we the Australian people were deceived with this momentous crime against our nation. I for one will never forget or forgive.