We owe a debt of gratitude to the Americans and others that we will never, ever be able to repay. We must stand up, we must be worthy of the sacrifices being made by others on our behalf.
Soldiers are fighting and dying BELOW GROUND and have been for a long time. This is a MUST SEE event.
New information revealed that will shock you.
This is all a global Black-Hat strategy to dominate the population, BUT, there are good people (White Hats) doing bad things to bad people on our behalf. From the US to Vladimir Putin in Russia who is taking out bad people in the Ukraine and other enemies around the planet.
“Don’t ask as us how we knew, ask yourself why you didn’t”
– We are under attack by foreign powers. This is a war for the world
– Grotesque vaccine injuries
– Facial recognition cameras match every face with an ID card and trace all of your movements.
– Police State – Police are now nothing more than security officers protecting the interests of the unlawful, corporate governments.
– Organ Harvesting – Chinese government organ harvesting – Fallun Gong and Uighers imprisoned and farmed as source of healthy organs. Organs must be harvested while the person is ALIVE!
– Australian Miners making billions of dollars trading with China.
– Legislative Tyranny continues unchecked:
* Weather manipulation, atmospheric spraying.
* Media complicity in government tyranny.* Defence Legislation Amendment Act. Foreign troops on Australian soil.
* Gene Technology act 2000
* Surveillance Legislation Amendment Bill (Identify and Disrupt).
* Microchip implants
* Smart cities continue to be rolled out.
– MQ Ultra continue to use people as lab rats – Example – 3 year old girl subjected to pain, brain and sexual stimulation trials. We are all now test subjects.
– “My Place” Frankston – Establishing parallel Councils by the people, for the people. For more information see details below.
It IS going to happen, the criminals are being removed and things will continue to move ahead, but patience is key to success.
We owe a debt of gratitude to the Americans and others that we will never, ever be able to repay. We must stand up, we must be worthy of the sacrifices being made by others on our behalf. Soldiers are fighting and dying BELOW GROUND and have been for a long time.
Learn More – See Related Posts:
The Plan (to save the world) Part One
Link to purchase Riccardo’s book “Greatness Awaits You: The five pillars of real leadership”:
It’s now up to us to support the soldiers fighting on our behalf, STAND UP! Join the ‘Unite One Million People’ rally at the Shrine at 11am on 11 November.
Contact details for “My Place” and peoples Councils:
“My Place” Frankston – For more information go to https://www.frankstonpeoplescouncil.org/
OR email frankstonpeoplescouncil@outlook.com
(If site is blocked use TOR Browser)
OR write to:
P.O.Box 4312
Frankston Heights. Vic 3199
Once people know the TRUTH, they shift from compliance to resistance.
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