Welcome, I’m Steve Jeffery loyal Australian patriot and combat veteran. Four years ago, while the world as we knew it disintegrated and millions willingly lined up to be euthanized by injection, I analyzed, around the clock, Australian and international events desperately trying to identify and understand the cause. What I discovered shattered everything I believed in and destroyed the respect for those I had held in high esteem. I learned that the world in which I had been living was an illusion. I then relied on my personal values and faith to successfully reorganize my beliefs and priorities.
I learned too, that the Orchestrators of world-wide misery and pain is a satanic global criminal cabal comprising royalty, presidents, prime ministers, chief executives of major international conglomerates, media moguls, and world bankers. They control the majority of world governments down to local level, bureaucracies including police, health and taxation, major corporations including pharmaceuticals, banks, central banks, media, the corrupt front organizations UN, WHO, WEF and all major infrastructure assets.

A primary objective of this Cabal, chiseled into the granite columns of the mysterious and satanic Georgia Guidestones, is to reduce world population by any means to 500 million while at the same time seizing all remaining personal wealth and assets. Their plans for a One World Government or New World Order, represented in Australia by a number of high profile individuals who’s names appear on the One World Government website, would have been total enslavement of the remaining population.
I discovered that this Cabal has been responsible for creating and orchestrating all global events for the past 200+ years, including wars enriching themselves by providing debt funding to both sides. They derive hundreds of billions of dollars from human misery through their world wide control of human and child sex trafficking and organ trafficking sourced from their global network of abortion clinics. I learned that their control of governments is effected through debt and their control of individuals through compromise and a depth of depravity incomprehensible to normal individuals. Their control of the media enables them, through intensive propaganda, to control the minds of the mass population creating hysteria, fear and influencing behavior. Your own search for the truth will reveal the names of the individuals, the corporations and their other horrific depraved practices.

Unbeknown to us, thanks to the media coverup, we have been involved in and remain in a world war, an information and propaganda war, a war to control our minds, but it is a fight to the death.
However, the Cabal’s reign of fear and control is finally coming to an end thanks to the ongoing, coordinated work of high level generals in more than 30 countries and their large group of highly trained special forces personnel. At great personal risk and loss of countless lives, they have been quietly but effectively removing these parasites at all levels, in every country. The media will not report it, but significant progress is evident in many respects, particularly over the past months including the symbolic gesture of the destruction and removal on July 06, 2022 of the satanic Georgia Guidestones. Your search will reveal the many recent changes in world leaders, politicians and high level bureaucrats at all levels with more the come. The recent moves by major nations to replace the worthless Fiat (oil based) “currency” of the Rothschild’s Private Global Central Banks and reverting to gold based currencies will force the collapse of their entire debt, misery, slave based banking system and end their influence.
It’s now up to us to seize the initiative at a local level, identify the issues that impact our daily lives and implement fundamental, grassroots change. This can only be achieved by being informed; by seeking the truth; by remaining focused and by combining our resources and working closely together.
I ask you not to accept as fact, anything I’ve stated here as that would be no different than following corporate media propaganda. I ask you instead, to do your own research and find the truth for yourself. The first step is to stop watching television, stop listening to radio news, stop following Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the other corporate owned social media propaganda platforms and turn to popular uncensored sources such as Telegram, GAB, Rumble and Truth Social. They will also point you to many other huge alternative media platforms where you will find a wealth of information and the truth. They do not track you or censor you,they are not owned or controlled by the Globalists and are already far larger and more influential with the majority of the population for those reasons.
Finally, it has been my privilege during this time, to discover, meet, rally with and exchange information with the most courageous, informed, fearlessly patriotic people I have ever known. We will now attempt to share this collective knowledge with others who also seek the truth. Together we can and will rebuild our country and provide a better and safer future.
Please, continue your search for the truth then acknowledge and embrace this need for change.