Proud veterans have marched at dawn in Southport despite a traditional march being canned in a row with a councillor. Between about 4000 and 5000 supporters gathered for the service.
Content and images by Gold Coast Bulletin | 25 Apr, 2023

Diggers and supporters, you have made me so damned proud! THANK YOU for standing your ground!!
The crowds came despite the controversy after a dispute between how the service was run between the Southport RSL sub-branch and Councillor Brooke Patterson. The controversy meant a march from the RSL on Short St to the cenotaph in the Broadwater Parklands was cancelled.
That did not stop more than 100 veterans who – led by Padre Don Parker – formed a ‘rogue parade’ and marched into the service.
Cowardly, weak Southport RSL sub-branch president John Riebeling said he did not know about the “illegal march”.
[Comment by Steve, Just One Focus – Truth]
Soooo, “Rogue Parade?”, “Illegal March?”, “Unauthorized March?”, “Council Cancels Anzac Day March?”
Why do the clowns in Council believe they have ANY authority to ‘Authorize’ this or ANY march?? Why do they believe they have the authority to call an ANZAC DAY march ‘Rogue’, ‘Illegal’, ‘Unauthorized’??
Who do these treasonous, traitors, “Public Servants” at the Gold Coast City Council think they are?? They have NO AUTHORITY over We The People, the Ratepayers/Residents who pay their bloody wages, THEY WORK FOR US! WE have the Authority!! DON’T EVER FORGET IT!!
Remember, the Gold Coast City Council has committed to deliver the objectives of, the unelected corporation, the Satanic United Nations/World Economic Forum’s “Sustainability” Agenda 30 “You will own nothing and you’ll be happy”. Their intention is to steal our homes, land, wealth and freedoms!!
The ‘Councillors’ have become quisling cowards married to the belligerent force invading our country, the United Nations.
[QUISLING – A traitor, especially one who collaborates with an enemy occupying force for personal gain.]
The Gold Coast City Council became a Corporation in 2019/20. A Corporation does not represent the people, it represents its own self interest and its Shareholders being The United Nations/WEF!
YOU WERE TRICKED!! The Councillors were NOT elected they were selected under the ILLUSION of an election in 2020. The ballot counting was outsourced to a corporation owned by the Chinese Communist Party.
Folks, It’s time…they must ALL be removed IMMEDIATELY!
This is Our New Battlefront
The UN and the WEF are a Global Parasite that Threatens EVERY ONE OF US and our children!
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IN case you did not know the Bundaberg council REFUSED a permit for the Bagara hotel to open early for the usual Gunfire breakfast YESTERDAY so the corporations are in collusion aka councils. I agree pay no rates and see where these arsewipes end up. I belong to Telegram ie the scarlet pimpernel
Outrageous! This is an example of how we all will be treated like cattle if devious corporate globalism is allowed to get total control of our world.
It’s about time we started ignoring councils. No rates to be paid to councils who try to keep the public out of meetings! See how long they last if everyone refuses to pay rates!
I left the country 11 years ago….I still support Anzac and all our diggers.
Good on you..