Australia, and our Australian democratic freedoms are in the sights of a cunning Global Predator. Foreign vultures silently circle our Great Southern Land, casting ominous shadows upon the unwitting population below.
Stephen Reason | 20 Apr 2023
Examining the Globalist Conspiracy to use the “Indigenous” as a land-grab
In our collective unawares, they keenly await their calculated moment to swoop, and strip-tear the fat of our land. The Voice Referendum is why they circle; a ‘Yes’ vote will signal their frenzied descent with razor beak. These vultures operate behind the seemingly noble front of the United Nations, and are truly the Transnational Globalists that have strategised to exploit the “Australian Aboriginal” as a cover to carve-up and consume our Australian land. They are ravenous, and they are coming for our farms, and they are scheming for at least seventy-percent of all land by 2030.
They believe you will be happy to own nothing, because you will have no choice — so, be happy, or else!

Globally, the United Nations are currently puppeteering their regional figureheads to recognise Native Titles, Treaties, and in Australia’s instance, a constitutionally enshrined ‘Voice to Parliament.’ However, it is all a grand deception to seize our vast natural resources and land: agricultural lands, forests, oceans, coastlines, nature reserves, metals (lithium), minerals (uranium), and waterways. Indeed, such humanitarian policies are not motivated by any sincere endeavour to address the plight of the Indigenous. All that has been propagandised and presented beneath the banners of “virtue” and “atonement” will only benefit a shadowy Cabal of oligarchical billionaires. Canadian, US and New Zealand territory is similarly being targeted by the Globalists, and our Prime Puppet, the mush-minded Albanese, has had his strings impatiently yanked to ratify their agenda at the expense of our sovereign nation.
We cannot permit this — this will be the end of Australia. We must not allow them to cut-out our collective tongues to gift themselves The Voice. We must speak out, but we must also be aware of what needs to be spoken to awaken Australians to the devious agenda. We must unite and unify in our opposition, exercise discernment, disengage with the government-funded Media trickery, and rationally articulate why we MUST vote ‘No.’
What follows is an attempt to define the key aspects of The Voice deception, how the Globalists have orchestrated every aspect, and how they hope to achieve their stupendous land-grab of our country.
Introducing Aboriginal Whistleblower and The Voice Opponent: Josephine Cashman
Josephine Cashman is an Aboriginal Australian lawyer (acclaimed Prosecutor), entrepreneur, and a former member of the Prime Minister’s Indigenous Advisory Council (appointed by Tony Abbot in 2013). Pertinently, while occupying the Indigenous Advisory Council, Cashman discovered a plot by the United Nations to use the decoy of the “Aboriginal” and “Indigenous Rights” to asset-strip Australia and to remove all private land ownership.
Subscribe to Josephine Cashman’s Substack
The document Cashman discovered contained a direct reference to using the Indigenous as the ‘fulcrum’ to establish a New World Order ( “Indigenous people may in this emerging world order provide the necessary fulcrum on which global futures balance”) She is a Whistleblower, undeniably authentic and credentialed (truly the foremost voice on this subject) — and she has devoted countless hours to researching and exposing the fake-Aboriginal leaders advancing this insidious objective on behalf of the Globalists.
Cashman describes ‘The Uluru Statement from the Heart’ as ‘a momentous fraud, an abomination against all Australians.’ She claims that despite the heart-warming propaganda and virtuous rhetoric, The Uluru Statement does not represent the ‘agenda of people living in Aboriginal communities,’ but, rather, is the product of just five traitorous phoney-Aboriginals (Lowitja O’Donoghue, Noel Pearson, Sol Bellear, Marcia Langton and David Ross) in direct consultation with the United Nations and their Agenda 2030. It is fundamentally a diabolical fraud that is intended for diabolical ends: to facilitate The Voice and to usher in a Treaty of forced land acquisition guided by Native Title land demarcations.
Scheming for a New World Order: The United Nations Agenda 2030 and the World Economic Forum
On September 25, 2015, the UN Member States adopted and launched the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.[Edit: and is being implemented in Australia by Local Government Councils]
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NOTE: From Stephen Reason. This is a follow-up piece to my April 6 article: ‘THE REAL AGENDA BEHIND THE VOICE TO PARLIAMENT: Exposing the Globalist’s Plan to Steal Australia’
This is Our New Battlefront
The UN and the WEF are a Global Parasite that Threatens EVERY ONE OF US and our children!
Steve Jeffery – Just One Focus – Truth
Our Constitution is REAL and LIVING! It was subverted, stolen by a global criminal cartel! It’s now time to reinstate it and the rule of law!
THIS is our REAL, LIVING Constitution
Commonwealth of Australia Constitution (1901) With Amendments and Royal Assent
Read it…Download it…Learn it…Embrace it…Apply it to every aspect of your life…Quote it to ANYONE or ANY corporate entity posing as government or its agent. Quote it to ANYONE who attempts to speak or act outside of it. Our Constitution IS THE LAW! Anything else is FRAUD.
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Not before time an excellent helpful clear prosecution of the facts & the perilous situation we find our selves in great appreciation of your efforts to comprehensively explain the diabolical situation it’s monstrously desperate all hands on deck required
Send this message far and wide . The truth is being suppressed and the lies presented every day.
The implementation of UN agenda through local government authorities has been ongoing since 1993, in my direct experience.
The establishment of “wildlife corridors” placed this UN agenda item above any and all Town Planning Schemes which are germane to rural as well as urban councils. In my case, The Shire of Mundaring (on which I served as a councillor at the time) unanimously accepted this as policy in the belief that it would be innocuous and beneficial to all wildlife. The reality is different. It has taken away the rights of ratepayers to legally develop their properties. An actual case in point. When a ratepayer applied to subdivide his 10 acre property into two lots, permissible under the then TPS 3, his application was denied because a wildlife corridor affected part of his original lot.
Furthermore, there is a growing trend to isolate ratepayers from their elected representatives thus giving the “officers” ( that is bureaucrats) unchallenged power. This can be achieved by the simple declaration that a meeting of council be closed even if nothing to be discussed is of a confidential nature. In the nearby Shire of Narrogin, councillors have been instructed to not deal directly with ratepayers.
When shires and towns were administered by a Town/Shire Clerk, the dimensions of the job were plain to see. When they upgraded their title to General Manager, eyebrows were raised. When I asked the Mundaring “General Manager” why this was so, he proudly puffed out his chest and proclaimed that they were in charge of multi-million budgets, covering the many facets of council administration and were, in practice, performing the role of a general manager in a commercial, business setting.
I managed to de-puff his chest when I pointed out that his budget was simply an expense budget with all revenue coming from ratepayers and state and federal governments grants. There is no “sales” budget requiring activities that grew revenue. They now call themselves Chief Executive Officers and receive generous salaries, expense allowances and superannuation employer contributions. The CEO of the smallest shire will be paid between $128,000 and $201,000, per annum. Nice work if you can stand it!
Thank you David, I have taken the liberty of posting your excellent article to our Telegram Channel and Chat https://t.me/justonefocuschannel/4232. Regards, Steve
This Is Liverpool council NSW it is happening now, and have been for some years we moved out
Evil will not triumph in the end, I know this to my core, Having said this I am aware that we have a long road infront of us and pray that god walks with us in courage and love.
May all who are awake to this never ending crisis be annointed in the blood of Christ. Stand together as one against the abomination that is WHO, NATO and WEF.
so glad she’s had the strenght to speak out the truth about ‘Albie’s’ ‘Double speak’
I respect the fact that this article is here. Unfortunately it is at least 40 years later than it has been known.
Some people were screaming out about it, but of course were called conspiracy theorists, or Insane, or called and treated like idiots.
I know many woke up when John Howard said, and I well remember the day he said,”It is no longer legal in this country for anyone to own a firearm for your personal or property defence.” That was after Port Arthur I seem to recall. But of course the real agreement had been made between the UN and Australia to disarm us. It was even in the Labor Party handbook at that time. I know, Johnny Boy was, is, maybe a Liberal Party member. Just another globalist I am thinking. But of course I could be wrong.
If you do not know. Most of the Laborites are Fabians. It has been always their plan to abolish private property.These politicians who suck of the teat of the Australian taxpayer and I do not mean to disparage the good honest politicians, just the traitors among them. As for the blind or ignorant they had better wake up or they will be in the same boat as the rest of us. Do some research on the Fabians. Go back to George Bernard Shaw, H G Wells, the Webbs, he spoke of gradualism.
Have you read Hawke’s speech to the Fabian Society centenary dinner 18th May 1984? Probably not. He spoke of those who wanted change to temper their fervour with a sense of gradualism. You had better read it for yourself. It is enlightning to see how we got here. I offered to put literature into my local library, for nothing. Of course, I was knocked back. They did not want that” crackpot reading matter” in THEIR library. 1988 that was and what has happened since then? All the time the UN has been advancing. All the time too many politicians have been lying to the people, or too damn lazy and ignorant and who would the people believe? Why of course the teachers and the MSM.
The Fabians have a wonderful symbol It is a “wolf in sheep’s clothing”. It is depicted in a lovely lead-light window.
For example you mention “Red over Black”. That would have been Crackpot in the eighties I think and here you are now speaking about it. Well better late than never I suppose, but look at all those wasted years of resistance. How in the hell do we counteract that?
What is that saying? “All it needs for evil to succeed, is for good men to do nothing”. I only read that 30 or so years ago. It stands true today. Many are afraid to look and listen, they are hiding their heads in the sand. That is the way to get your A…se shot off. Pardon the vulgarity.
So now, SOME people are waking up, when the hammer is about to fall.
God Bless Australia.
J Howard was a globalist, he stated as much, “there is no choice”, were his words. Pt Arthur was deceit and deception.
Senator Cory Bernardi, after his three month stint at the UN, publicly stated, on his return, that the UN was the most incredibly corrupted organisation that he had the misfortune to be associated with. Labor has always been Fabian. The UN has been reinforced with the WEF as their front.