Our Australian Federal Government is not our government — it only governs on behalf of an unelected Transnational Corporatocracy (rule by corporate interests) that has parasitised our parliament.
By Stephen Reason | Mar 30, 2023
The parasite must consume, sustain and fractal-replicate itself by way of deception — lest the unwitting host recognises its insidious presence and takes decisive measures to sever its crippling influence.
Our parliament is entirely owned, and the Corporatocratic owners are clandestinely acting to impose their desired business model (Techno-Feudalism) upon their “Australian” business.
Thus, Albanese is not our Prime Minister, he is merely the selected regional prime-implementor of a business agenda he must ratify by deception on behalf of the Corporatocracy. Hence, all radical actions and proposals currently advanced by such a compromised parliament, and presented by Albanese, are being made to covertly advance a Techno-Feudalism in which the Corporatocracy can irreversibly reduce every citizen to digitally-yoked serfs.
Their “virtuous concern” for the Aboriginal (as presented by the proposal of a ‘Voice to Parliament’) truly only concerns their potential to exploit our First Nations Peoples for their exclusive benefit.
Basically, a “white government” would be using a “blak facade” to advance a Globalist “Reset” agenda to appropriate land out of the hands of current “white” ownership and back to the “Indigenous” — but, truly, right into the taloned-claws of the Globalists.
It will probably start with the “appropriation” of vast swaths of soon-to-be “sacred” and “repatriated” farmland.
This is a key part of their plan: You will own nothing, and THEY will be happy.
AUSTRALIA – The Timeline of Treason – By Dick Yardley
SHOCKING! Australia is Rothschild’s World HQ For Satanic NWO, Child Sex Trafficking
The Filthy Little Secret That Enables the Global, Criminal, ‘Banking’ Cartel to Control Humanity!
‘Voice’ Referendum to Force Acceptance of More Land, Mining and Resources Grabs by United Nations Using Misguided Aborigines
Once people know the TRUTH, they shift from compliance to resistance.
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Interesting indeed Steve as the Dick Yardley interview done by ” Commo John ” Wilson, highlighted the fact that the ‘ My place ‘ fraternity in whatever location
around Oz are merely virtual mouthpieces of their “Councils” who are as illegitimate as the criminal cartel known as the “Australian Government” or more notably the Commonwealth of Australia – ABN # 48 123 123 124, listed as a “body corporate” with the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) in Washington!
Also, as he states in the interview, when he spoke at a ‘My Place’ meeting in Gympie they never asked him back again?
Surely that highlights to anyone who is not suffering from cognitive dissonance that ‘My Place’ anywhere in this country means FORGET IT and THEM!
Thank you Waynos…Yes, Ric Bosi called out the infiltration of Qld My Place groups by the Freemasons more than 6 months ago. I spoke with Darren about this at the time and he stated that it was incorrect…BUT, I believe Ric’s intel is pretty good.
Let us be honest about it that no matter how extensive one can produce documentation it all serve no purpose if all there is publication and no action.
If one were to check pout my document:
It appears to me that the High Court of Australia is a threat to Australia’s national security, in addition to those claiming to be Ministers and their collaborators.
You can download the document from:
When a Chief Justice inappropriately interfere with the evidence before the court violating his constitutional obligations he is no judge anymore.
You can download the document from:
then you find that I actually do what needs to be done, as I did on 19 July2006 in AEC v Schorel-Hlavka.
Obviously having details provided is of great assistance to me but unless one uses the information it is all becoming useless.
One major problem is that numerous persons keep referring to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901! There is no such constitution! The true and only constitution is the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK). Those referring to a 1901 constitution simply do not understand/comprehend what the true constitution is! They are in a way aiding and abetting with the crooks who are perverting the true constitution.
If you accept there is a 1901 constitution then you accept the Parliament can amend the constitution, whereas the 1900 constitution doesn’t allow for this
Good morning. Thank you. Admire your work. You will find one of your documents at the following link, posted Aug, 2022 https://www.justonefocus.org/wef-urgent-criminal-investigation-required-complaint-to-r-kershaw-chief-commissioner-afp/. I will review the second document your mentioned. Please be aware that there are many groups working hard to bring this criminal cartel to justice. We all do our bit and building awareness of the issues is an important step in the process. Regards, Steve
Dear Steve. Our once proud & productive country has been progressively downgraded to serfdom with a sense of defeat by everyday Ozzie’s too busy trying to keep paying inflated prices & taxes – overworked & driven to one distraction after another. How do we turn this fiasco around when so many people can’t see the trees in our own backyard. What the hell can we all do to reverse this total takeover? I’m open to any suggestions on ‘remedy’. It appears we are up against a mighty monster within our corporate overlords. Thanks for your ongoing efforts but I’m at a loss trying to convince my husband that all is not well. One minute he makes sense, then dismisses my attempts to inform him. He says, & I quote, “It is what it is”. How does one reconcile that style of thinking? Once again, Thanks for all you are trying to do.
Cher, thank you for your comments. I totally agree with your sentiments and feel your frustrations. The ONLY solution we have open to us is AUSTRALIAONE, Riccardo Bosi. Have you considered joining and supporting their efforts? Regards, Steve
How on earth are we supposed to respond or what can be done to stop or counteract this evil playing out in our country.
Thank you Rosalie. We The People are the ultimate Authority. Without our consent ‘They are nothing’ and have NO authority. All you have to do is convince your family, friends and neighbours to just stand up and say NO! ENOUGH! Form a My Place group in your area. Darren Bergwerf will guide you through the process. Search ‘My Place’ on this website and it will take you to all the contacts. Regards, Steve