3 thoughts on “Australian Political Treason, Treachery and Sabotage – Who Stole Our Country?

  1. New tabloid explains how Australia and its Constitution have been stolen by corporations
    Cairns News has reviewed this publication and finds it one of the most informative newspapers dealing with corrupt government in recent times. It describes in an easy to read format how the political party duopoly has usurped the Commonwealth Constitution of Australia beginning in the 1970’s.

    The judiciary is out of control, foreign treaties have eroded Constitutional government to the point of no return, and how unaccountable politicians of all hues since the Covid plandemic have got away with murdering a significant portion of the Australian population.
    Communism is rife in the ranks of the unaccountable Canberra bureaucracy which has been dictating policy for decades.
    “We the people have been deceived as a nation and at the individual level so covertly but the distinction between our illusion of freedom and a totalitarian takeover is not only blurred….it is almost totally erased,” the editorial stated.
    It covers the corrupt private corporate business of child protection services which have been assessed as a serious risk of harm to children and families.
    A historically important letter written by former High Court Chief Justice, Sir Harry Gibbs 1981 – 87, is a real clincher as it states “…the Constitution cannot be altered under Section 128 to remove the Crown from the Commonwealth.”
    This edition supports the National Strike to “end the belligerent occupation”
    We urge readers to acquire copies of this 80 page tabloid for distribution to friends and small business across the nation.
    For advertisers: submissions@corruptionwhistleblower.com

  2. From New Zealand. Thank you Steve Jeffery with Dick Yardley, for All Your Research. I’m am a Maori Researcher here & a Private Native Title Deed LANDOWNER. I confirm New Zealand is a COMPANY counterfeit registered to USA SEC as Her Majesty Queen I’m Right of NZ. We are slave traded on Wall St using their Birth Certificates & Signatures. Illegally stealing our estates, lands, resources, children by these neo-nazi gold diggers, bank robbers, grave robbers through Nazi Freemason police, politicians, governor General WARRANTS. Where is Justice??
    To contact RangiMarie Amopiu Kirikau Kaa Kingi at her Office of Lady Justice email rangimarieakk2022@yahoo.com. or mobile Text 0225867281. The ANZAC’s have the power to overthrow this Foreign imposter multiform Crown-Vatican-Rothschilds-Rockerfeller-WEF-WHO-UN-EU-CCP-LGBT Satanic cult now they’ve been caught Vax poisoning generations.

  3. I bought Dick’s book years ago.I got flooded and I lost it. I highly recommend it. Never forget, knowledge is power. That is why we are kept in the dark and fed B…..T.

    I must say , with regret.,Plans have been operating for Longer than I and some others ever knew of , .We have known for at least forty years. But people just scoffed and rediculed us. Now it is not so funny.There are many waking, but some still treat myself and a few friends as conspiracy theorists.. All we want are facts.

    So keep the information coming,..URGENTLY..