16 thoughts on “BREAKING NEWS! Raw Sewage Contamination. Gold Coast Council’s Desperate Denials.

  1. Benjamin Brabeck, Jamie Brabeck, Buy our properly filtered water and watch where u swim, even just dogs. Southport spit?

  2. Have a look at the Numinbah Correctional Sewage Systems failures over the last 20 years that find their way into the hinze dam. Also check out the live aboard houseboats if that is what you could call the floating derelicts vessels that are polluting our broadwater visually and also filling the broadwater daily with effluent oils and diesel, under our Gold coast council and the waterways authority failure to fully enforce the act that would prevent and outlaw them with a stroke of a pen. I for one don’t understand why they do not simply invoke and enforce “All” the rules available to you under the current act? The section relating to enforcement and inspections of required holding tanks etc of the act is just one of many available that under the same act and sections available for use by the GCCC and waterways authority that are being used and enforced on the Sunshine Coast. If you need more inspectors and you don’t have the budget, simple fix, how about cut out the big taxpayer lunches and functions and sack some of the useless overpaid board members and employ more workers to enforce the rules.????

  3. I worked for GC water for 13yrs. Maybe I should tell what I have witnessed and know? 1 million litres of filth into the Broadwater is hushed up as though it’s nothing.

  4. The truth is finally poking through the GCCC crap filled waters! Over 13 years ago the sewage system for our city was running at 85% capacity (outside holiday periods). Since that time the GCCC has embarked on an unbridled development agenda without the necessary spend on the infrastructure to support it. WHY would they you ask? Simple, for corrupt backhanders from industry and developers and to fill its coffers from rates and associated charges to fund “in the main” idiot half brained schemes like cruise ship terminals, Asian cultural precincts, skyway proposals etc. to simply boost their own individual ego’s , wealth and profiles ( yeah especially you Shultzy) These actions have impacted every citizen on the Gold Coast. Some have lined their pockets with gold whilst others have had their gutters, backyards and waterways filled with shit!

  5. Wow…There seems to be a real issue with either transparency of Council or severe trust issues. BTW as far as my searches go – Qld doesn’t have an EPA – it was dismantled in 2009 with whoever came into power at state level. I’m new to the state and becoming a bit concerned with it frankly.

  6. Greed, that’s why, plain and simple greed! Says a lot for the example they set for young ones! And then they criticize young ones behaviour!!!!!!!!!

  7. Time for all the concerned residents to start and maintain mass signage strategy now warning the public re: major potential health issues and equally exposing the deliberate deceit and corruption, naming and shaming the GCC and past and present Counsellors, mayor, epa, and state.?

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