Evidence Shows Australian Government Complicit in Act of Terror Against its Own People - How was it...
This is prima facie evidence that the entire machinery of government and their representatives, ministers, prime ministers,...
PART 2 - GROUNDBREAKING! Gideon Jacobs Forensic Data Expert demonstrates that employers who FAILED to provide individual...
GROUNDBREAKING! Gideon Jacobs Forensic Data Expert Explains C19 Injection, Breach of Duty of Care; Reviews data; Demonstrates...
The Masonic Filth is falling apart; Orange Hats are waking up; Freedom Movement; Constitutional Convention; Veteran Suicide;...
This is the end of the end. US warships visiting Australian harbours. US Marines escorting individuals onto...
Update: Leadership; Military Tribunals; The War is Done, The Last Shot Fired; Reshaping Our Future.
The FBI, DOJ and Obama-era intelligence community were conducting full surveillance of candidate Donald Trump in 2016.