Common Law Court News Music – The Impossible Dream ARTIST Luther Vandross WRITERS Mitch Leigh+1 more
Common Law in Practice
Justinian Deception - 46.1K subscribers by Romley Stewart (15:16) Grammatical Secret of The Elite and The New...
Is the Ledger what you assumed? .. or is it the hidden consent into slavery? … Secrets...
The depth of the NEW-WORLD-ORDER deception reaches to the very Bibles that sit in their quasi courts...
Justinian Deception – (Romley Stewart). Why are all “Acts” that are passed in corporate governing parliaments reliant...
“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system,...
45,726 views May 9, 2017 Dealing with the occult-fraud of foreign corporate banking entities. Australia is now...
Justinian Deception The secret system behind banking…Banking is the control of the people that have attached themselves...