"Everyone is going to learn of, or learn about the RICO Act a US Federal Statute enacted...
Constitution, Treason and Treachery
AS the 15-minute/SMART city scam is exposed many are waking up to the reality that their so-called...
The Elders had enough, traveling more than 15 hours to arrive in Canberra in early 2020. Yet...
The US military is taking orders from Trump. As a nation, the US is under Continuity of...
On Tuesday the 13th of June, Australian news outlets reported that The Voice is at a critical...
At the highest levels of politics, finance and the entertainment industry, a shadowy cabal of pedophiles use...
The YES and NO Campaigns are both working for the same Globalist Master, both pursue the same...
In 1959 our Constitution was subverted, substituted in an act of Treason. They then created by deceit,...