Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Hurricane manipulation season is here, grab your popcorn, the spectacle is about to begin....
Media Cover-Ups
45,726 views May 9, 2017 Dealing with the occult-fraud of foreign corporate banking entities. Australia is now...
Source: 14 June, 2022 - Voice of Freedom's Carl Liebold and Australia One Party, Riccardo Bosi. Lt....
Justinian Deception The secret system behind banking…Banking is the control of the people that have attached themselves...
Health Ranger Report - Situation Update, Sep 26, 2022 Australia this will also impact you! 0:00 Collapse...
Find out who’s behind these crimes against humanity
The goal of the transhumanist movement is to transcend biology through technology, and to meld human biology...
Yes Australia, this also applies to you! Dr. Joseph Mercola: “I predicted this ‘no testing required’ formula...