The movie follows jump team members from Operation Underground Railroad on their rescue missions to save child...
You are involved in the most unregulated and unaccountable medical human experiment in the history of mankind...
On Sep 10 1833 Andrew Jackson removed the 2nd Central Bank in the US. Now Trump is...
QAnon – “One of the things that I do know about our government is our government’s ability...
MonkeyWerx SITREP 9.9.22 – London Bridge is Down [36:05] ‘Monkey’ analyses military aircraft movements in relation to...
Mel K tells Mike Adams the worldwide REVOLT against globalist tyranny has begun
Silver Guru David Morgan issues dire warning over cascading global BANK FAILURES starting in Europe
0:00 Intro1:00 Collapse News28:10 David Morgan Interview1:02:50 David Dubyne Interview – Featuring “double David” interviews with...