The World is Now Controlled By Three Large Funds Owned By The Wealthiest Families in The World...
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THE PLAN shows how the World Economic Forum and other globalist entities have planned the pandemics, with...
The Jesuits, Rothschilds, Rockefellers are, through the United Nations and the World Economic Forum continuing their plans...
How the GREAT RESET Could Spell the END of The Globalist Cabal for more updates visit:
Topic: Incompetent western nations invoke “doomsday” retaliation from Russia 0:00 Intro4:35 Insanity14:00 Doomsday43:45 Gazprom Forcemajor53:20 Germany ...
Australian government infrastructure contracts enables the Globalists to repatriate billions of taxpayers funds offshore.
As an example on...
The prepared PLAN, the oblivious REACT