The regime known as belligerent occupation refers to a situation where the forces of one or more...
Take Back Australia
"You never realize how strong you are until being strong is your only option"...Stand With John Wilson...
OUR MISSION was to build awareness of the TRUTH by driving researched, unbiased facts beyond the limits...
PART 2 - GROUNDBREAKING! Gideon Jacobs Forensic Data Expert demonstrates that employers who FAILED to provide individual...
Update: Leadership; Military Tribunals; The War is Done, The Last Shot Fired; Reshaping Our Future.
Our Constitution is REAL and LIVING! It was subverted, stolen by a global criminal cartel! It’s now...
Click the Right Hand arrow to open the Flip-Book. Use the convenient Social Media buttons above...
The cover image of the Royal Assent is for illustrative purposes only…[Click RIGHT HAND ARROW to open...