You are involved in the most unregulated and unaccountable medical human experiment in the history of mankind (28:03)
Presented by witness Christine Dolan, US investigative journalist. The medical industry is involved in Global Medical Trafficking including organ trafficking on the black market, human trafficking, child trafficking the drugs and weapons overlap. A level of corruption that is hard for most people to understand. Catholic Church secret documents seized implicated those from the Vatican down. ICU Nurses declare that people were being killed in the hospitals. Media networks are partners with Pharmaceutical companies and are complict in act of commission and acts of omission.
This is a criminal enterprise.
The COVID Inquiry 2.0 is an Australian cross-party, non-parliamentary inquiry held on the 17th August 2022.
The COVID Inquiry 2.0 followed COVID Under Question to interrogate breaches of the doctor-patient relationship and the regulatory capture of Australia’s health and drug regulators.
Witnesses from a range of backgrounds presented personal and scholarly evidence that was shocking and revealing. The day of questioning from 8am to 7:30pm was livestreamed and recordings of all witnesses and the proceedings are available at
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