Gold Coast Mayor states “If you don’t like it, don’t vote for me.”

I don’t think there’s any doubt about that!
Time to replace the Council Bully Boys, Masterminds and Budget Shapers…Mayor Tom Tate, Cr. Cameron Caldwell (Div 3) and Cr. Owen-Jones
[EDIT – 18 Nov, 2023. ‘Mayor’ Tom Tate is now driving the insidious Agenda 21/30 ‘Sustainability’ objectives on behalf of the treacherous United Nations/World Economic Forum “You will own nothing and you will be happy” WEF Chairman Klaus Schwab.]
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So this a natural occurring event is it????
So the council officer told you didn’t they?
Big question over councils own waste water treatment plant I think. Is council meeting its release approvals or is EPA turning a blind eye while Council builds its deep sea release option?
Robyn Allom Hi Robyn, thank you for your interest. It would be better to direct you to my FB page so that you can track how the catastrophe unfolded over the past 12 months. This has serious and far reaching consequences for all of us. Best regard, S
What was done to it?
Ross River virus rampant in the area now.