They are seeking input to their totally rigged and fabricated survey on how they should deal with hoax “Climate Change”. The structure of the online survey clearly demonstrates that any answers will be interpreted with a positive outcome supporting the UN/WEF ‘Sustainability’ objectives of Agenda 30. They will then use their interpretation of the survey to falsely show that the population is in support of the initiative.
The offending comment included:
“As a Council stay focused on your basic responsibilities being rubbish collection and recycling, parks, sports fields and swimming pools, pet control and parking. You were not appointed to get involved with climate change propaganda”

GCCC has LIED to and kept secret from the Gold Coast community their REAL objectives, being remove your home, land, wealth and freedoms. They are instead promoting the false benefits of Climate ‘Resilience’, SMART Cities (suburban and high-rise prisons), Facial Recognition Cameras, Cashless Economy, 15 Minute Cities
This is Our New Battlefront
The UN and WEF are a Global Parasite that Threatens EVERY ONE OF US and our children!
AUSTRALIA UNDER ATTACK BY THE UN – Insider Discovers Plot to Use ‘Voice’ to Strip Our Assets!!
Australian Governments Are NOT Governments, but a Parasitic Transnational Corporatocracy!
The Filthy Little Secret That Enables the Global, Criminal, ‘Banking’ Cartel to Control Humanity!
RED OVER BLACK – Communism, Aboriginal Land Rights 1984 and The ‘Voice’ Referendum!
AUSTRALIA – The Timeline of Treason – By Dick Yardley
Australian Political Treason, Treachery and Sabotage – Who Stole Our Country?
Our REAL, LIVING Constitution – Commonwealth of Australia Constitution (1901) With Amendments and Royal Assent
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