Gold Coast Health Unit examines spike in Salmonella poisoning across the city.
(GC Bulletin 13 Feb, 2020).
Catastrophic sewer pump failure. Now brace for the other potentially fatal diseases associated with raw sewage contamination that Council won’t tell us about. These include but not limited to cholera, diarrhea such as E.coli diarrhea, salmonella or shigella; viral infections including rotavirus, norovirus (which causes food poisoning on cruise ships), and hepatitis A and E; parasites such as giardia and cryptosporidium, and various different kinds of worms including pinworms, ascariasis and tapeworms. These do not include health threats from toxic and radioactive hospital waste, prescription drugs, illicit drugs or similar toxins that can’t be removed in the the normal treatment process.
The following link helps to support the above statement regarding sewage related disease
[EDIT – 18 Nov, 2023. ‘Mayor’ Tom Tate is now driving the insidious Agenda 21/30 ‘Sustainability’ objectives on behalf of the treacherous United Nations/World Economic Forum “You will own nothing and you will be happy” WEF Chairman Klaus Schwab.]
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I put 2 and 2 together..i have swum twice only this year in the Broadwater..on both times i was dodgy both ends the day after. I felt so sick the last time that I could not eat. I lost 20 kgs. I have not gone back near the water. When will it be safe again ?
Vincent Titus Sapaen Vincent if you read the report further down my page which has my analysis of Council’s water quality test data over the past 10 years you will see that Council has let the public unwittingly enter our recreational waters and fish in them for the past 8 years with raw sewage up to 6,800% (680 times) over safe limits. Never once have they issued a health warning or published water quality information. Nor have they erected warning signs in beach, swimming areas or along any of the waterways. I have trying to get them to act for the past 12 months, but have received nothing but denials.
Since we moved to the Gold Coast, we have been wanting to know the water quality of the beaches in Broadwater Parklands to no avail. We don’t understand why there is no public information for this. I mean, a lot of people swim in the area but the water looks very unhealthy potentially exposing people to toxins and harmful microbes.
Honestly if I could throw one particular person in this sewage I would.
Folks, we had a visit from a fake FB profile a short while ago, criticising my statements in the introduction, ridiculing my statement about radioactive hospital waste and my sources. He/she went as far as to suggest that this was sensationalism and smacking at conspiracy theory…Under a fake, anonymous FB profile and under the circumstances these are cowardly and irresponsible comments. I would expect all mature and concerned adults to take my comments and links and if interested conduct further research to satisfy themselves. The radioactive waste is a real and known concern…You will find when checking further that patients who undergo radio(active) therapy or treatment will end up excreting the substance into the hospital sewage system and into the public system. As far as the other Hospital related toxic waste I urge you to also research this aspect. I do NOT attempt to sensationalise my findings, I simply apply them in the absence of any Council or State Health issued warnings or advice as a source of public information, to inform residents and help minimise the risks of contracting disease from our recreational waters. As an example I purposely left out this link that could have been misinterpreted as scaremongering. However, having been provoked I now include it below to enable you to conduct your own enquiries. This research was conducted by a team of highly respected Queensland scientists in 2006, released to the government in 2008 and conveniently buried. I truly hope that you will all pursue this and put your OWN findings in front of your local Councillors, State and Federal members and relevant Ministers.
Rob Fox interesting
Paula how do you find out if this is true or balloney??
Sara Louise Kite
Why are the local mainstream media not picking this story up, or is it outside they’re political mantra??
John, this is also a sign of raw sewage contaminated recreational water and good chance that it has contaminated locally caught fish, crabs and prawns. A strange coincidence?

So when will SAFE FOODS QLD acknowledge we have a problem on the Gold Coast like they have done so many times in Moreton Bay?