10 thoughts on “Sewage Contamination – Council Denies – 7 NEWS Reports Truth!

  1. GCCC hasn’t done one thing to help us.. other than a txt stating they have no liability to offer us accommodation.. our animals have been sick from the contaminated water!! Absolutely disgusting!!

  2. Robyn Burton Hodge Robyn, this problem is on the GC in Paradise Point and Runaway Bay. Unfortunately, this time it’s also city wide with residents reporting contamination from Yatala through to Burleigh.

  3. Lies and denial, noooo, that doesn’t sound like our council at all. Lying dirt bags are trying to protect their pay packets. They MUST be held accountable, not one or to of them falling on their swords,ALL of them!!!????????????????

  4. The bottom end of Margaroola Ave Biggera Waters has this problem every time the tide is high and it rains, the water has no where to run and the street floods and so does the sewer pipes. Its been like this for years.

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