This is a H.A.A.R.P. ELF wave facility. ELF waves penetrate everything on earth. These waves are so powerful they can be used to ignite fires or create earthquakes and Tsunamis.
Editor, cairnsnews | Feb 15, 2023
HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program) emits ELF’s (Extremely low frequency) waves with frequencies from 3 to 30HZ.
ELF radio waves are generated by lightning and natural disturbances in Earth’s magnetic field, so they are a subject of research by atmospheric scientists. Which also explains why HAARP attacks are always accompanied by lightning just prior to major, man-made disasters!
(See also Toxic! Military HAARP Project Manipulating Weather)
Due to the difficulty in building antennas that can radiate such long waves, ELF frequencies have been used in only a very few human-made communication systems. ELF waves can penetrate seawater, which makes them useful in communication with submarines, and a few nations have built military ELF transmitters to transmit signals to their submerged submarines, consisting of huge grounded wire antennas (ground dipoles) 15–60 km (9–37 mi) long driven by transmitters producing megawatts of power.
The United States, Russia, India, and China are the only countries known to have constructed these ELF communication facilities [Wikipedia].
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these Haarpy Barstards , are definitely,doing the wrong thing.