8 thoughts on “Is the Gold Coast now Australia’s most contaminated City

  1. That’s what you get when idiots run the show, hence the state of Australia in general … our politicians are some of the dumbest, most ignorant, bigoted, cowardly, corrupt, ethically bankrupt, incompetent, and ideologically insane imbeciles on the planet … I cannot comprehend how people how people are willing to vote for members of the LNP and to some degree certain members of the ALP also, not to mention PHON PUP and Fraser Anning’s neo-Nazis … it’s a disgusting festival of vile creeps and sociopaths

  2. It is very worrying. How is the city going to cope with an extra 200k, 300k people. We are seeing the consequences of lack of planning for a growing city and the corresponding infrastructure. Cllrs and the Mayor will move on while we will be left with the stench. ????????????

  3. This is absolutely disgusting. People’s lives are far more important than council profiteering. I hope those affected stop paying water rates. I urge you to please only drink bottled water (preferably not bottled in China). Please, if you have children (no acquired immunity) please, please take care of them. 🙁 I am so sorry you are going through this

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