Dear Electoral Commissioner / Responsible FOI Officer,
Pursuant to my Lawful Rights and Your Legal Obligations under the Freedom of Information Act (but not limited to) I wish to obtain a full disclosure on the following matter:-
The Chief Executive Officer of Konnech Australia Mr. Eugene Yu has been arrested in the USA for very serious criminal matters as it relates to the Handling and Custody of information of election data and information.
Issues Arising
It now has come to light that the CEO of Konnech has attempted to threaten and intimidate a Member of Parliament (see link below) when an attempt was made to question them and to inject some measures of accountability and transparency.
Information Sought:
- What contracts are in place between the Qld Government and the ECQ with Konnech Australia and any subsidiary of this corporation?
- What are the terms of any contract?
- What services are Konnech Australia contracted to supply?
- What protections are in place to guarantee the security of any and all data?
- Can the ECQ categorically state that all election data held by Konnech Australia is held within Australia and is secure within Australia?
- How does the arrest of Eugene Yu effect Konnech Australia and does his arrest hold any concerns for the ECQ?
Please be advised that the Australian Fraternity of Trade Unionist (62,000 members) are furious at any data breach – particularly as it relates to personal information of election workers being given to a hostile sovereign state such as Communist China. A recent survey of our membership indicates that the AFTU has about 300 of it’s members who have done or are currently undertaking election work in the state of Qld.
Please also be advised that the Fraternity is currently briefing senior Legal Counsel to ascertain all legal options to our members to get to the bottom of this matter – and if any data breaches have occurred, then to hold each and every officer of the ECQ to account as well as any and all members of the Qld Government who hold responsibility or liability.
All civil and criminal avenues will be explored, with or without the support of the Qld Police or the Qld Prosecutors Office. If necessary, the Fraternity will criminally prosecute under the Qld Crimes Act on our own volition. The Fraternity has both the determination and the necessary financial resources to make this happen.
We want answers and if we don’t get them, then be prepared for massive incoming litigation.
John Wilson
National President
Australian Fraternity of Trade Unionist
Former President Trades Hall Canberra
Former Secretary CFMEU
Related posts:
Chinese CEO of Voting Machine Company Konnech Arrested in the US
“Communist China Rigging Australian Elections With Konnech Incorporated” by Reese Report.
Qld MP Fiona Simpson Konnech Contract for Qld Election Software Extremely Alarming
Once people know the TRUTH, they shift from compliance to resistance.
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