GROUNDBREAKING! Gideon Jacobs Forensic Data Expert Explains C19 Injection, Breach of Duty of Care; Reviews data; Demonstrates...
Data analyst who compiled the results states “the butcher’s bill from the battlefield,” points to these figures...
German MP Christine Anderson declared that “This vaccine campaign will go down as the biggest scandal in...
The Masonic Filth is falling apart; Orange Hats are waking up; Freedom Movement; Constitutional Convention; Veteran Suicide;...
At the highest levels of politics, finance and the entertainment industry, a shadowy cabal of pedophiles use...
This is the end of the end. US warships visiting Australian harbours. US Marines escorting individuals onto...
Update: Leadership; Military Tribunals; The War is Done, The Last Shot Fired; Reshaping Our Future.
The YES and NO Campaigns are both working for the same Globalist Master, both pursue the same...