6 thoughts on “Human Suffering Increases as Residents Report More Streets Contaminated

  1. As a former Victorian now gold coaster I have to say this councils way of its dealing with the environment is disgraceful. Heads must roll over this disaster, development must be put on hold until a full environmental impact study done. So sorry for all you residents dealing with this.

  2. This is one of the consequences of rampant over development over and above the City Plan that the GCCC approve with no thoughts for corresponding upgrade of relevant infrastructure. Which suburb, street next?

  3. These mugs, I’m a horticulturalist and closed my business to join the GCCC last year working in parks and gardens. I lasted three weeks. That’s as long as it took for me to see their internal processes. It was an actual shit show. I quit before the 4th week. Old farts riding the gravy train doing half assed work. As a rate payer I was disgusted. Total waste of rate payer money. Now this sewage issue. I think its rampant with mismanagement. If they vanished tomorrow we would not notice they where gone. Fuck you TT

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