15 thoughts on “SHOCKING! Australia is Rothschild’s World HQ For Satanic NWO, Child Sex Trafficking

  1. @ 9:26: This ‘parade’ street leading up to the new satanic structure is where I was almost killed in a Monaro Holden vehicle when I lived there in 1973 while working for the DoD. I wasn’t the driver btw. Couldn’t wait to get out of the place. It gave me the creeps. Russell Hill is where I was placed initially (where the eagle statue is situated). The offices went deep underground all departments were compartmentalised. Another creepy feature. Only lasted about 9-12 months but it was & is an evil place.

  2. The evil satanic bastards have controlled Australian & the south pacific since it was colonised …they have to be eliminated…WE the People MUST STAND…I/We have NO Fear..our shield is the ARMOUR OF GOD…

  3. Interested in Silvan Dam, Dandenong Ranges. Anymore info on that? Always has a creepy feel driving past, surrounded by barb wire.

  4. Thank you for this amazing information. In NZ there are 8 hydrostations, but is the lake manpouri Power Station that is of concern. Interestingly since 2018 maintenance work by Meridian Energy means tours are closed “for an indefinite period”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manapouri_Power_Station There is also what is called the secret underground power station – https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/under-the-mountain-nzs-secret-underground-power-station/A2NOEKVWKJCPJGOADYIBITRJVI/

  5. If people are still asleep now they won’t wake even if it’s right in front of them. How many more kids have to go through this before the military steps in. ExPOSURE needs to happen now put all the pins up of the kids under the ground in cages here in good old Australia. Enough already.

    1. Yes Ann, you are correct. I have done as much as I can to help many survivors of satanic ritual abuses, rape, torture, murder, brainwashing and i know there is vast numbers of children suffering horrific abuses in our country, but no one within Govt and authorities is doing anything to help the children.
      In fact I have suffered much persecution, assaults, harassment, stalking from police and others since we gave extensive evidence to police, politicians and all authorities.
      I know children are commercially abused from within satanists multi-generational families and their evil Covens and stolen children are kept in the underground facilities under the Cities for easy access to the market for child abuses.
      Escapees from the evil multigenerational families and Covens have told me about the occult operations and how they also control politics and public services.
      I have spoken with several police members who appear to want to address this evil but their hierarchy stop them from investigating and prosecuting these crimes.
      I find it difficult to believe there is any real serious efforts going on to deal with this long standing ancient crimes and the powerful people ike Rothschild’s and Co zionism/masonic Cabal.
      If they were serious they would have shut down their global criminal reserve banking system and cut off their funding, outlawed and blown up all masonic lodges etc etc

  6. Absolute Darkness
    We are shining the light.
    My heart is crying seeing the photos of children ….. unimaginable brutality.

    1. I’m a big hairy 46 year old bloke and I burst into tears when I saw that poor kid at the bottom. Justice can’t come soon enough.

    1. Love&Light&Truth!

      Enjoy the SHOW!
      The BEST is yet to come…


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