9 thoughts on “Shocking! Blood Nano-Poisoning (Non-Injected) Update | Trialing Remedies | Remove the Foreign Occupying Force!

  1. Have you ever heard of colostrum ? When a cow gives birth her milk is loaded with antibodies to protect her child. A farmer in the 1930’s discovered that if you take a sample of a sick person’s blood and inject it into one of the cow’s udders three weeks before birth, the milk from that udder will give antibodies to whatever is in the blood to cure the sickness. Might be worth a try ?

  2. Mike Adams from Brighteon has been working on a massive site to give humanity information and help to heal our bodies with well known natural remedies and protocols. He has spent millions of dollars developing this site and it will be coming on line in a few weeks. Fantastically it will be free to use, no charge.
    Mike just wants to help all of us regain our health and stop the destruction of our bodies.

  3. Digital ID, yes and your Digital Double, yeah, in the Spirit of Democracy, No Debate, just guillotined by the Treachery of
    the Fiction, called Government, and the Traitors who have stood on the ground provided by the blood of our ANZACS.
    Their screams for the redemption of our Country, we have to show that we are worthy of their Sacrifice.

  4. Thoughts and prayers for Gideon and his family, wishing you the best, because we know you have the courage.

  5. We need the government to stay out of our every day lives, no mandatory fir babies vaccines or compulsory voting either. Stop Digital ID and Digital currency.

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