John Wilson former President of the Australian Trades Hall Council interviews Dick Yardley, Constitutional Scholar, who supports the motion and provides HARD EVIDENCE that Australia is under occupation by a belligerent foreign force! BE UNGOVERNABLE JUST SAY NO!! Go to the new website and show your support for the national strike!
[Re-post from Feb 12, 2024]
We are living an illusion!!
Our Rights, Freedoms, Land, Resources and Wealth were handed to the Rothschild owned United Nations and WEF in 1959 in an act of Treason, progressively reinforced through further acts of Treason by EVERY Governor, Governors General and sitting member since!!
Australian Governments Are NOT Governments, but a Parasitic Transnational Corporatocracy!

The Motion and Background
Commo John Wilson created this petition on 02/09/2024
Australia is under belligerent occupation and Australia and her people have had their national and individual sovereignty usurped by an Occupying Power.
This Occupying Power is not a nation state but rather a global crime syndicate comprised of a cartel of international central bankers, other transnational corporations and multiple international government agencies.
Using a fake and engineered Australian Constitution and a fake and engineered raft of fictitious corporations, these central bankers and their Australian insider traitors (bound together by secret oaths, secret handshakes and secret covenants) have enslaved the Australian people under a tyrannical regime encompassing a complete loss of rights and freedoms, underpinned by the most savage and aggressive surveillance state.
Moved: John James Wilson aka (Commo John).
Seconded: Riccardo Bosi
That I, John James Wilson (commonly known as Commo John) call upon all Australians to support and participate in a National Strike to make Australia ungovernable.
The purpose of the National Strike is to end the belligerent occupation and then totally remove the Occupying Power which has usurped Australia’s national sovereignty and therefore the individual sovereignty of every Australian.
The National Strike being called for encompasses, but is not exclusively made up of the following actions:
1) Non-payment and refusal to pay any invoiced demands for monies from all layers of the Belligerent Occupiers (including their fraudulent agents) including rates, fines and taxes;
2) Refusal to recognize and or co-operate whatsoever with all the Belligerent Occupier’s law enforcement including their paramilitary police and all their fraudulent courts of law and sheriffs;
3) To promote and publicly support the National Strike by urging friends, work mates, neighbors and family to adopt this motion and participate or contribute in any way they are able;
4) To refuse to pay any rent payments on any dwelling occupied by a National Striker – or indeed any commercial premises that a National Striker uses for a business premises;
5) To refuse to pay any mortgage payments to any bank or financial institution including building societies;
6) To defend all Australian children against the evil scourge of institutional paedophilia and child abductions by the Belligerent Occupier’s courts of law, paramilitary police, and their child trafficking apparatus clothed as child protectors.
7) This motion names and appoints John James Wilson known as “Commo” John as our National Spokesman and Co-ordinator for all strike action.
The National Strike will continue until:
– the Governor General of Australia, His Excellency General David John Hurley, AC, DSC, FTSE dissolves the Australian Federal Parliament and appoints a new Executive Council in accordance with the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia 1901 with the limited responsibilities to:
– end all government actions with respect to COVID, and
– rehabilitate the federal electoral system to allow the legitimate electors of Australia to elect freely and fairly a new federal parliament.
Need more FACTS? Read, download or forward the supporting evidence below provided by Dick Yardley as a result of 30 years of research.
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Once people know the TRUTH, they shift from compliance to resistance.
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After the breakup up of the former Yugoslavia, fighting broke out between the Croats and the Serbs, wherein hundreds of one of the combatants were murdered and buried in mass graves. The blue helmets were there, but took no action to save anybody, saying we cannot interfere, as we are only here to observe.
It has been there for a long time , yes , and this cruel , Greedy so called Government , should be held accountable for all that has been done to Aust Humanity ,, If you are Spiritual and Awake ,, you will know what is being Said ,, as the TRUTH ,,,,,,,,,
Stop the power in the hands of few.
Educate & strengthen small communities with rotating leaders to stop infiltration.
Have a government that is only an administrator. Administering the will of the people.
Tip the education system upside down, so that it serves humanity. Stop filling children’s minds with vulnerability that destroys their life & deprives them of their youth.
Unless these people are dealt with harshly, they will go underground, and we will never see the end of them. Leave an indelible mark on history so that this chapter in human existence is never forgotten!!
Save the 1901 constitution as a sound & reliable basis, then in time, look to the people for any tweaking.
At the same time as they are removed and gotten rid of it needs to be with the RICO laws enforced that all those evil bastards like John Howard still fleecing the people for so long and all those like Gillard and Rudd and Julie Bishop etc have their pensions rescinded and stopped for good never to be returned to their grubby little fat hands . They retire early , they work on and still take pensions for life. We need those like Daniel Andrews life pensions after taking his retirement early and smirking because the tax payers are going to pay him and his family all the way to the grave and possiby longer. Take his off him especially after what they have done and put the people through. Scott Morrison another sitting on in parliament till it suited him and he got a better offer no more of this and Rico the lot of them. All three major parties thrown out , emptied out and blocked from ever trying to get hold of any other form of governing jobs in this country. I would go as far as to say they can leave the country never to return. We don’t want them walking around among us at all. Others like the health officials that made life hell on earth during the pandemic years (plandemic) as we know it was out and taken to task and all properties RICO’d again.
Grubbs that have no thought or feeling for the peoples of Australia do not need to be a part of the Australian culture and life today in this land .
Thank you Glennis. RICO will ensure that ALL of their assets are seized as proceeds of crime!
I second that.
We’ve known of the treason since Whitlam, Hawke, prior to that our constitution was subverted.
In the mid 60’s all States and Governors joined a created Australian Act dropping our 1901 Constitution with NO referendum by the public. Why didn’t the people go up in arms back then? It’s taken us until 2024 to get pissed off enough, 60 years later, to stand up and take notice?
JFK warned us all,
“For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence — on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match.” ― John F. Kennedy
This Masonic Filth is so deeply entrenched now in every aspect of our lives and that of humanity as a whole, it’s like a cancer and it’s rotten to the core.
People say democracy is a fair way to run things and in a perfect world it would be, but, when they control all you see, hear and read, you are not casting an informed intelligent vote from the selection they offer us. With illegal preferential voting and voting fraud as we have seen it the past 4-6 years, we the people never stood a chance of having a fair and just representation within our government. It’s been a Liberal/Labor table tennis match with a blind referee who’s paid to look the other way.
The gloves need to come off, the people need that proverbial slap in the face with a wet fish to slap the stupid out of them and make them see everything they have been fooled over, everything. I’m sure there is enough of us who are at least aware if not fully awake who can help the normies. They should be righteously angry, but of coarse that anger needs to be channeled in the right direction
We have a multi colour vulture sitting over our heads shitting on us daily. It’s red, blue, green and teal and it has mites hanging off it drinking in our essence.
So yes we need to fuk’em all off, we need to be ungovernable, take away their wayward power. The only way to be rid of this cancer is to starve their ego’s and their positions, drown out their intentions. We’ve held this mythical line for long enough, we need the people to front up in huge numbers and step over that line and have them all removed.