Justinian Deception The secret system behind banking…Banking is the control of the people that have attached themselves...
global criminal cartel
Health Ranger Report - Situation Update, Sep 26, 2022 Australia this will also impact you! 0:00 Collapse...
Find out who’s behind these crimes against humanity   Â
The goal of the transhumanist movement is to transcend biology through technology, and to meld human biology...
Yes Australia, this also applies to you! Dr. Joseph Mercola: “I predicted this ‘no testing required’ formula...
Dr. Philip Altman BPharm (Hons), MSc, PhD – “I’m not going to sugarcoat this presentation, nor waste...
July 25, 2022 A Bold, Passionate and Courageous Speech to the European Parliament Assembly. “Let’s be clear...
Six and a half million deaths. “Fauci did fund it. There is no question in my mind”...