This is the end of the end. US warships visiting Australian harbours. US Marines escorting individuals onto...
global crisis
The United Nations are currently rolling out Agenda 2030, with the treacherous “sustainability goals” being delivered by...
In Australia the transition of power was covert and sovereignty did not revert to the people for...
The Rothschild SLAVERS have turned us into slaves to fake money. Now we can change all that....
After years of printing worthless, toilet paper Fiat currency the illusion is finally over. The entire private...
Canberra is the global headquarters of Rothschild’s satanic filth, child sex trafficking, population and mind control, spying,...
Sen. Malcolm Roberts and Darren Bergwerf – Status on the pedophile suppression orders, Digital ID, Cashless Society,...
Nearly 40-year cover-up by the EPA to protect Monsanto’s AGENT ORANGE chemical weapon. The “Poison Papers” secret...