Battleground Melbourne The Fall of The World’s Most Liveable City – Fear, Police BrutalityThis is our story. The story of ordinary people doing extraordinary things and taking extreme risks to...
global genocide
When a Belligerent, Foreign Force Attempts to Occupy and Control an Unarmed PopulationThe day innocent, unarmed Australians protesting against unlawful lock-downs were fired upon with rubber bullets. Matt Lawson,...
This was NEVER about a Virus – It was Occupation by a Belligerent Force.Victoria Police shoot, spray and gas UNARMED protesters in the name of health. This was NEVER about...
How the UN Sneakily Side-Stepped Governments Since 1945About the 5500 Non-Government Organizations connected to the UN, who do so-called charity work. Upon investigating their...
War Brief July 18, 2023 – Alliance Forces Remove Cabal – Australia, The Next Phase – Riccardo BosiLadies and gentlemen of Australia, the future; it is now in our hands. We have a choice...
National Strike Q&A – Belligerent Occupation Defined – How To End Belligerent Occupation!The regime known as belligerent occupation refers to a situation where the forces of one or more...
NEW THREAT EXPOSED! Nanodust Infection and the Risk to the Unvaxed – Full Facts RevealedTHE GENOCIDE CONTINUES! Join Gideon Jacobs and Riccardo Bosi discuss the recently discovered threat of Nanodust Infection...
We Support The Proposed Non-Violent Australian National Strike To Remove the Belligerent Occupiers!"You never realize how strong you are until being strong is your only option"...Stand With John Wilson...