Martial Law IS imminent! It needs to be enacted urgently to remove the corruptly elected governments not...
media lies
The people of the world are sick and tired of being set against each other by powerful...
This is a conflict that spans dimensions in society and international boundaries. It involves most if not...
You’re seeking amnesty, forgiveness, blaming all the monstrous, tyrannical atrocities on “not knowing any better”? Well Guess...
10 November 2022 The United States is under Martial Law. Australia is owned by the US as...
US Mid-Term Election Update – The level of fraud will be so great that it will stun...
CENSORSHIP CONTINUES – WE MUST BE DOING SOMETHING RIGHT. “They” have removed David Rodriguez’ interview with SPAnon...
8 November - Published by AustraliaOne Party Click to watch Dr. Ardis’s technical presentation Click to watch...