Canberra is the global headquarters of Rothschild’s satanic filth, child sex trafficking, population and mind control, spying,...
The video will explain the progress being made to destroy this world-wide tunnel network and free the...
Sen. Malcolm Roberts and Darren Bergwerf – Status on the pedophile suppression orders, Digital ID, Cashless Society,...
The United Nations through Aboriginals have land claims to 62.7% of Australia. The purpose of The Voice...
A meeting of the minds! A deeply personal interview covering spirituality, philosophy, politics, leadership, authenticity, self questioning,...
Nearly 40-year cover-up by the EPA to protect Monsanto’s AGENT ORANGE chemical weapon. The “Poison Papers” secret...
CONFIRMED: FBI is investigating origins of hazardous materials “accidents”; Another trail derailed near Detroit, with hazardous chemicals;...
The Silver/Gold derivatives market has been a hoax for decades. Rothschilds Deep State emptied the vaults years...