LOLOL, ABC/Youtube can’t help themselves! Oh well, there’s still the article below. Terrorist Organizations, Drug Cartels, Despots...
The criminal globalist cabal
Canberra is the global headquarters of Rothschild’s satanic filth, child sex trafficking, population and mind control, spying,...
The United Nations through Aboriginals have land claims to 62.7% of Australia. The purpose of The Voice...
A meeting of the minds! A deeply personal interview covering spirituality, philosophy, politics, leadership, authenticity, self questioning,...
AEC still ignoring major issues despite new Commissioner; Electoral Rolls still in a crisis state, as pointed...
Nearly 40-year cover-up by the EPA to protect Monsanto’s AGENT ORANGE chemical weapon. The “Poison Papers” secret...
Hillary had to become president to prevent investigation of other crimes. She and Obama signed off on...
“He can look and I hope he looks at the UK and I hope he looks at...