NYC grocery stores are locking up food due to rising retail theft; Food retailers are FLEEING blue...
Recording By Myron C. Fagan about the Illuminati Oppenheimer Ranch Project | 10 Jan, 2023 Who is...
War on tyranny. War on censorship. War on the elites. War on the one world government. War...
The Rothschild’s have set up the world’s financial institutions making sure they receive 90% of the generated...
Who is the Richest person in the world? Do you really think your government controls everything? How...
From Shasta County public hearings, California. Chemtrails Are Not A Conspiracy Theory. These poisons are affecting not...
These are NOT Condensation Trails (Contrails), as the ‘government’ lies will tell us, but HIGHLY Toxic Chemical...
Russian Premiere Khrushchev on September 29 1959 described how communists will implement their plan and remove democracy....