Let’s get a few facts on the table. The Crimea voted in a plebiscite overwhelmingly to come in to the Russian Federation, unsurprising 95% of the population are Russian. In 2014 the US pumped $5 billion in to the Ukraine to overturn the elected pro Russian Federation government which is constitutionally committed to reclaiming the Crimea. Let that sink in.
March 01, 2022 - By Godfrey Bloom
Moreover the Ukraine has applied for EU & NATO membership. America & sadly Britain has supplied military personnel & hardware in to the region. This on top of weapon system development & military personnel in Poland, Romania & the Baltic. NATO naval exercises have taken place in the Black sea. The Royal Navy’s equivalent of the Solent.
Russia has historically regarded the best protection for its thousands of miles of border to have non hostile countries on the other side of the wire. Not unreasonable , indeed it is United States policy as confirmed by the Cuban crisis & its regime changes in Grenada & Panama. The Monroe Doctrine for those familiar with it. One might look back further to the George Washington doctrine, to para phrase ‘keep out of Europe it’s a basket case & always will be’.
If the Ukraine had joined NATO & the European Union the world would be on the brink of a world war. Putin understands this. He has therefore made a pre emptive strike to de militarise the zone & protect ethnic Russians from further harassment . This is actually counterintuitively a stabilizing action if he holds firm.
I might add sanctions never work. They just freeze the status quo, Castro stayed in power for decades because of American sanctions. Moreover sanctions only hurt the innocent & breed resentment against those enforcing them.
There is much talk about the west getting militarily involved, the same cry of ‘poor little Serbia in 1914’ that went well didn’t it? Western involvement will not change the course of the war, just prolong it. The most pragmatic option is a quick surgical strike by Russia & a negotiated independent Western Ukraine de militarized by all. No more Vietnams, Iraqs, Somalias, Afghanistans, Yemens Libyas or Syrias, regime change wars never work.
Let there be some western self interest, the ECB is on the verge of collapse, European Green parties put Putin in the driving seat on energy, let common sense prevail, but remember this war is unfinished business from 2014.
Read full article https://godfreybloom.uk/the-russian-point-of-view/
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