AEC still ignoring major issues despite new Commissioner; Electoral Rolls still in a crisis state, as pointed out by the Audit Office; Multiple voting (18,770 at last election) can STILL occur. (From 2015 and NOTHING has changed).
Editor, cairnsnews | Dec 02, 2015

The DEAD ALWAYS VOTE in Australia
The lack of integrity in the Electoral Rolls and multiple voting were not addressed by the new Electoral Commissioner in the lengthy 30 November Australian newspaper article that can only be regarded as a ‘whitewash’, according to elections-monitoring group, Australians for Honest Election (AFHE), which warns that the public cannot have confidence in the electoral processes done by the AEC.
“The Australian newspaper correctly points out that the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) warnings about ballot papers going missing in its reports of 2007 and 2010 were not heeded by the AEC,” said Mr Lex Stewart, President of AFHE.
“But also the AEC has also not heeded the ANAO reports of 2002 and 2004 on “The Integrity of the Electoral Roll”. These reports (and the subsequent one) warned about many things, including that the Electoral Rolls are in a shambles, where false enrolments are not being detected; the ANAO used the term ‘validity’.”
“AFHE can give many examples of false enrolments on Rolls, where the AEC has failed to keep the integrity of the Electoral Roll. Is the AEC not recovering the full debt to the Commonwealth of $1.27 million from the RECORD number of persons who did not vote in the Canning by-election, lest such action exposes the 11,000 false enrolments that the AEC should not have allowed to occur in the first place?”
The AEC admitted 18,770 “multiple votes” occurred at the 2013 federal election, yet only 2 persons are being prosecuted, and nothing has been done to fix AEC procedures to stop such happening again. Multiple voting did not rate a mention in the newspaper article, in which the new Commissioner is quoted as saying, “The AEC will never be used as the reason not to do any form of electoral reform.”
“Yet the AEC told the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters that it would be too expensive ($61million) and too complex to introduce “Electronic Certified Lists” (ECL’s) whereby when immediately a ballot paper is issued to a voter then that name is marked off on a central master list, so that further ballot papers cannot be issued to that person or to somebody impersonating him/her.”
“When I told the computer Engineer now working in North Sydney, who introduced ECL’s in South Africa TWENTY YEARS AGO about the AEC’s claims of costings and difficulties, he laughed.
“AFHE considers that the AEC was impeding this much-needed electoral reform by exaggerating and/or incompetence,” said Mr Stewart.
Contact: Bruce Kirkpatrick, Convenor, Australians for Honest Elections Inc.
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