1 thought on “Tucker Carlson Responds to Julian Assange’s Release During Australia Speech – ‘Brilliant!

  1. I think Tucker Carlson is one of- if not the most established, accomplished Journos on the Planet. He never used to show bias until recent months+… when it become increasingly obvious that the left… the Deep State (DS) in the US and increasingly, also rest of the western world… have become more and more pervasive and now quite openly- corrupt. (Hunter Biden charges? vs Trump obvious persecution). Opening borders to uncontrolled immigration- seemingly just to cause chaos and upheaval- under the guise of humanitarian aid… to pervert elections (again?)- whilst allowing your own population to sink and struggle against ever increasing taxes- many carbon focussed. His willingness to be targetted and branded Right Wing Extremist etc now show his courage and tenacity to help shine a light and bring about some sort of change to the increasing totalitarian controls the left is trying to impose on the USA and west… ultimately DS seems to want to bring down the USA and west to allow Russia and China and BRICS+ to dominate a new world order. Isnt this treason? If not what is it called?

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