Aug 10 Posted by Editor, cairnsnews by Quadrant and Cairns News
The Labor and Greens communist agenda to give Aborigines Constitutional recognition is a Trojan horse when indigenous people are already recognised in the Preamble of the country’s founding document.
So-called Aborigines have been given 49.3 per cent of our land mass as of July 1, 2022 and they want more, all of it if possible. If the remaining claims of an additional 13.4 per cent are allowed, Aborigines will own 62.7 per cent of Australia.
To put this in terms of area rather than percentages, Australia contains 7,686,850 square kilometers of land, including Tasmania and the offshore islands (Wikipedia: Geography of Australia) and native title now exists over 3,789,617 square kilometers of it.
The rider in the world’s greatest land claim scam is that white people funding the dwindling taxpayer base are the bunnies who will, if the Constitutional amendment and a treaty get through, be paying rent to murris for ever more.
Taxpayers are coughing up more than $35 billion each year to keep elite, black bureaucrats fat while they starve out their regional communities.
Local governments nation-wide will be forced to add a levy to rates notices which will be collected by the federal government then paid as rent to blackfella fatcats. Naturally this coin clipping operation is backed by the communists of the United Nations.
Unfortunately city people generally believe the fake media, in shades of the Covid plandemic, that Aborigines are badly wanting. The Labor and Greens duopoly have succeeded with their Marxist, divisive, racist policies in dividing the nation into a black versus white race to the bottom.
Vast areas of rural Australia already have been locked up and no white man (Migaloo) is allowed to enter.
The major flaw in this massive land transfer is that while the title is erroneously called Aboriginal Freehold, is bears little resemblance to Deed of Grant in Fee Simple, or freehold land issued to white fellas. The indigenous instrument does not allow for the land to be sold, subdivided or title transferred.
While the corporatisation of Australia allowed every state government to shred the original parchment land title deeds and replace them with electronic titles, it has come to bear that usual freehold title now for suburban homes allows almost no security to the land holder, who once used to be the land owner.
Until there is a widespread revolution against this massive land transfer, these charlatans under the guise of First Nations Peoples will have surpassed the World Economic Forum’s agenda that you will own nothing and be happy.
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