This will be remembered as one of the most memorable adlib political addresses of modern times. For those who didn’t get the chance to watch the explosive, passionate, honest, motivating interview between John Wilson/Riccardo Bosi.
The NSA has turned the tables on the belligerent occupiers of nations across the western world. They are FINISHED! Riccardo Bosi [AustraliaOne] Explains why things have taken so long to reach this point.
The Courts Martial Handbook as Ric Bosi mentioned in the interview with John Wilson is being reissued.
For anyone feeling overwhelmed, you may like to fast-track your background knowledge by watching each of the episodes of Fall Cabal – The Sequel.
The war on all trafficking was declared December 20, 2017, with Executive Order 13818 which declared a National Emergency and invoked the:
– International Emergency Economic Powers Act
– National Emergencies Act
– Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act
– Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952
Ironically two years to the day, December 20, 2019, before the War was officially declared in the War Powers Act of 1973 ≈ 50 United States Code Chapter 33 Section §1550. Ironically, (NOT), the same day the:
– Space Force was established
– Uniform Code of Military Justice (Military Law) was overhauled for first time since 1950 and reissued
– Courts-Martial Handbook was reissued.
A President can declare War as PRESCRIBED by Law in 50 United States Code Chapter 33 Section §1621.
Those who say: an Executive Order can be extended via incumbents is the problem.
A National Emergency has a 2 year clause for a joint resolution. ( Info. from Derek Johnson ).
Ric Bosi in the interview stated that there are a number of reasons but one of the main issues was that the Manual for Courts Martial had to be amended to include civilians who prior to the new, approved changes could not be charged nor be charged retrospectively. The various past presidents had ensured that this was adjusted to protect them from their crimes against humanity.
President Trump and the Alliance made the necessary amendments but could still not charge them retrospectively. They therefore had to allow the criminals to re-commit all the crimes under the new Manual for Courts Martial. They now ‘HAVE IT ALL’.
ANYONE, civilian or otherwise including ASIO, ASIS, Police, Bureaucrats, Politicians, Judiciary, who have been complicit in Crimes Against Humanity be prepared for arrests, military tribunals and executions if found guilty. THIS ACTION IS NOW LAWFUL! You will not be escaping.
UPDATE: Don’t miss Riccardo Bosi’s explanation of the changes to the Manual for Courts Martial from Tuesday’s Green Room broadcast on Tuesday Nov 21, 2023.
Please read or download a copy of the US Law of War Manual below [be patient it’s a big file]. It will become your reference for what is about to happen. Please also note the accompanying amendments. This is coming, be informed and be mentally prepared!!
Click image below to download copy of the Department of Defense Law of War Manual…
The crucial amendments to the Law of War Manual

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